It's been a very very long time since my last post on this superb blog about my favourite game, but I've been very busy with school (yeah, I know, I've spent 5 years focusing on learning, hard-working, studying, but the outcome was very satisfying: I passed my A levels -which in Romania, the country where I live are called "EXAMENE DE BACALAUREAT"- and I was also ADMITTED TO UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY "CAROL DAVILA", BUCHAREST, at a government subsidised place, which is a great accomplishment for such a very well-known univeristy).
So, my beloved visitors, from now on I am going to post every single new update about stardoll.
Keep in touch, see you soon with the latest updates.
Don't forget to hit the FOLLOW BUTTON, and if you are from Romania you can visit my olx account which is linked on the right of the page and buy my real life clothes or books that helped me pass all my exams successfully!