Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black Presentation

Some don’t know how to bring more colour into their presentation, but would like to know! :)
So I’ll try to help xP
I’m not sure everyone does it like me, but it’s a way :P If you know another way, let us know! :)
Let’s take black for example:
1. Open Word.
2. Type your text and select it.
3. Go to ‘Format’ -> ‘Borders and Shading’ -> ‘Shading’
4. Pick black, or any other colour and press ‘Ok’.
5. Change the colour of your text if you like.
6. Copy it.
7. Go to your Stardoll suite -> ‘Edit presentation’
8. Right mouse button -> Paste (Don’t click ctrl + v, that won’t work xP)
9. Save your presentation.
In Word 2007:

(I’m sorry the picture is in Dutch, but the buttons should be at the same ‘location’)

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